We had a literacy discussion with senior MPS leadership today regarding early literacy. See the attached slide deck and appendix to view the presentation.
Notes from the meeting:
Superintendent Graff:
1. There are additional literacy-focused meetings planned during COW going forward - resolution expected in Feb. (any idea what this is?)
2. Literacy is a top priority for the District & there are a number of initiatives planned/underway, including forming a "comprehensive literacy framework".
Dr. Fearing:
1. Her team is working with U of M & MDE re: characteristics of dyslexia screening req.
2. Working with U of M Center for Reading Research to form "Birth to adult literacy framework" - 1st draft due by June.
3. PRESS - U of M tool - Tier 2 support being added
4. MDE is providing training/professional development recommendations to MPS - LETRS is one but there are many options.
4. Literacy Coaching for elem. teachers is "biggest lever in change" - MPS will have K-2 literacy coaches at all MPS sites next year
Senior Officer Moore:
1. Saw a "bump" after Benchmark implementation - thinks teachers had more tools than in the past (Moore) - diagnostics were good.
2. MTSS & School Improvement work is gaining traction & helping small gains.
3. Thought we'd see another year of 2-3% gains in literacy pre-COVID, but we've lost those gains & then some.
Presentation and Handout with links to supporting information: