November 6, 2020 updated 11/22/2020
To: Supt. Ed Graff, Cabinet,
cc: Minneapolis Public Schools Board of Education
According to recent federal data, more than 60% of U.S. 4th graders cannot read at grade-level – this rate is even higher in Minneapolis Public Schools; and numerous studies have demonstrated a high correlation between struggling to read and everything from behavior problems in school and school drop-out rates, to living in poverty and increased interactions with the criminal justice system. MPS is no stranger to this problem, and deep and persistent racial disparities in our community both contribute to and result from the inability of too many students to read. Among the students struggling to read are many with undiagnosed specific learning disabilities, including dyslexia. We want to better understand how MPS will both assess and serve students who are struggling to read.
Exacerbating the issues facing MPS’s ability to ensure all students can read, is a decades-long battle over literacy curricula and broader strategies related to teaching children how to read. Despite overwhelming science demonstrating the necessity and benefits of a phonics-based approach to literacy in early ages, MPS continues to utilize a literacy curriculum not rooted in this science.
In accordance with the State of Minnesota’s recently enacted Dyslexia Screening Requirement per Minnesota Statute 120B.12. Subd. 2. MPS must screen students in grades K-2 students for characteristics of dyslexia and report its efforts to the state. Students in grade 3 or higher who demonstrate a reading difficulty to a classroom teacher must be screened, in a locally determined manner, for characteristics of dyslexia, unless a different reason for the reading difficulty has been identified. MPS must notify parents and provide intervention and then report findings to the state. This law went into effect for the 2020-2021 school year.
MPS must have per Minnesota Statute 122A.06, a comprehensive, scientifically based reading instruction based on valid replicable evidence. The state of MN per SF196/HF 1494 has updated the requirement for college teacher ed programs to include instruction on dyslexia and must require instruction in evidence-based, structured reading programs.
We would like to see more details and information from MPS related to how this mandate will be implemented including:
1. What tools & criterion will MPS use to screen students in K-2 and 3-12?
2. How will the District use these tools to determine whether a student might have characteristics of dyslexia, and how will it distinguish between dyslexia/decoding challenges and other reading difficulties that may appear in early elementary?
3. What criterion will determine whether additional literacy services/resources are offered to students?
4. How will the district determine what level of service is required?
5. How will core instruction change to accommodate these students (rather than pulling these students out of the classroom)?
6. How will the needs of students of color be prioritized, given the disproportionate rate at which they experience reading struggles in MPS?
7. How will MPS notify parents, especially BIPOC parents whose children face the largest disparities in the district?
8. When will MPS invest in a research based synthetic phonics-based curriculum that teaches in a sequential, systematic, multi-sensory and cumulative manner?
9. When will MPS train teachers and principals on the science of reading, how to implement evidence-based curriculum, and how to assess students?
Per the statute, an assessment must also be administered if “Students in grade 3 or higher demonstrate a reading difficulty to a classroom teacher”.
1. Will dyslexia assessments in grades 3 or after be prompted by classroom teachers alone, or will formal screening tools be employed?
2. How will teachers be trained to assess & identify students to refer for assessment?
3. What criterion will determine whether additional services/resources are offered to these students?
4. How will MPS measure & track how many students receive dyslexia assessments and what % are referred on for services?
5. How will MPS tier & administer services?
6. How will MPS prioritize the needs of students of color
Additionally, we would like to better understand how “big” the problem of decoding is in the district and how MPS will not only measure but disclose/discuss the incidence rate of students with characteristics of dyslexia in K-12 students. We would like to see the District perform a retrospective assessment of 2018 FastBridge data to determine approximately how many students would meet the criterions MPS will employ to identify students requiring characteristics of dyslexia assessment and/or literacy services – this will allow greater insight into the scope of incidence in MPS and the scale of what will be required to address it.
Sara Spafford-Freeman David Weingartner
MPS Parent MPS Parent

Additional Signers:
Rachel Moritz Charisma Smith Hoa Nguyen Bridget Gernander Mikisha Nation Megan Larson Naomi Hertsgaard Shannon Gruidl Khulia Pringle Suzanne van den Hoogenhof Anne Melzer Aletha Wilks Laura Cox Katie Krebs
Emily Jones
Ian Lyon
Annika Ewing
Carrie Johnson
Rachel Ireland-Henry
Reeve Ridgeway
Erin Trapp
Maureen Stoesz
Janelle Voyakin
Rachel Widome
Christina McHenry
Theresa Bernard
Bethany Motz
Rachael Joseph
Kathy Cook
Giselle Restrepo
Elizabeth Collins-Dippel
Cassie Zonnenfeid
Leslie Bohl
Leah Auckenthaler
Stacey Chase
Sarah Johnston
Kate Derickson
Brittany Barrett
Alisha Johnson
Roxanne Draughn
Marea Perry
Tonya Draughn
MN Parent Union
Marea Perry
Joanne Hodgeman
Carolyn Helling Brownlie
David Brownlie
Jen Antila
Tara Brown
Marea Perry
Kartumu King
Tegan Johnson
Lori Anderson
Sherry Nix
Maria Padilla
Maria Cisneros
Jenifer Davis
Fatoun Ali
Mustafa Dyrie
Kay Comeaux
Marva Lynn Shelneberger
Jennifter Fritz